Strictly speaking this review isn’t about a book it’s about the Agile Manifesto.

This image is from one of the signatories of the manifesto, Andy Hunt’s original notes from the event in 2001 Snowbird, Utah.

I’ve used this many times, as it’s important to see the genesis of a philosophy that has had such a massive influence over the last few years. It is easy to see why #agile has become more a conversation about processes and tools. They are easier to discuss than the principles and philosophy that lies beneath.

I had an epiphany after recording a podcast yesterday with @SPSingh.

We were talking around the topic of #Agile and discussing Deming and the principles and philosophy that lay behind his approach to Management.

The realisation this week for me has been all about individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Individuals include customers, people who help me (suppliers) and colleagues.

The writer in me wants to change it to people and interactions over processes and tools but they mean the same thing 😉

Meetings with new clients, sharing learning experiences with fellow team coaches, learning from great authors and meeting with likeminded folk. #AgilePerth

I have also been overwhelmed by the support for my book, Coaching Self-Organising teams – special mention to the two Peters – Peter Barnett Peter Krantz With grateful thanks.

And I’ve been grappling with processes getting stuff online and setting up technology to deliver training materials. And I’ve also had conversations about how tools can get in the way of our coaching practice.

Whilst the context of the original Agile Manifesto is uncovering better ways of developing software, the four values fit most scenarios. I would love to hear what the manifesto means to you.

Thanks to Ryan Lockard for introducing me to this in his awesome podcasts with the authors of the Manifesto in the Review of 2016. To listen the authors of the Manifesto go here.

“An unexamined life is not worth living”Socrates

Every day is an opportunity to refresh our thinking. And an opportunity to uncover better ways of living and being.

#coaching #selfcoaching #agile #scrum #scrumMaster


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